HR Compliance Program
Join CRCA on Wednesday, April 16th at Haven Beer Company in Hamden for a social and educational program on HR Compliance led by USI Insurance. Registration begins at 4:00pm, followed by the program at 4:30pm, and then dinner and networking.
Program Topics:
- Onboarding and Offboarding employees
- Infrastructure challenges with growth
- Compliance Best Practices
- Understanding Full time equivalency
The Presenters:
Michelle Arzilli, Regional Employee Benefits Select Practice Leader, USI Insurance
Michael Grant, VP of Construction Practice, USI Insurance
Download and fill out the registration form here.
Please return completed forms to [email protected] or mail to CRCA, PO Box 30, Bloomfield, CT 06002.
2025 CRCA Poker Run
CRCA is hosting the 3rd Annual Poker Run on Saturday, May 17th, rain or shine. The event will start between 9:00 am and 11:00 am at Cactus Bistro, Bar, and Grill. Participants will finish their run and arrive at the Cactus Bistro, Bar, and Grill between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm for food, live music, and a raffle. The rider that has the best poker hand will receive a $1,000 cash prize!
Cactus Bistro, Bar, and Grill – 381 Town St, East Haddam, CT.
Monkey Farm (Cash Only) – 571 Boston Post Rd, Old Saybrook
Fox Farm Brewery – 62 Music Vale Rd, Salem
Crossroads Tavern – 493 Westchester Rd, Colchester
Cactus Bistro, Bar, and Grill – 381 Town St, East Haddam, CT.
Participants will finish their run and arrive at the Cactus Bistro, Bar, and Grill between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm for food, live music, and a raffle. The rider that has the best poker hand will receive a $1,000 cash prize!
Riders: $20
Passengers: $10
All vehicles welcome to participate.
Click here to download the registration form and here to download the sponsorship form.
27th Annual George Ordway Memorial Golf Outing
Save the Date!
August 28, 2025
Lyman Golf Club
70 Lyman Rd
Middlefield, CT